Why should only motorcyclists have all the fun. TomTom, one of the world’s biggest sat-nav manufacturers recently launched a stylist sat nav specially designed for scooters and controlled by our smartphones.
It seems like they have worked hard in creating a product for niche users. Majority scooter riders, ride in cities and the device itself is created keeping that in mind as they have not included features that helps in longer rides also the price of the device is £100 less than the cheapest TomTom motorcycle sat nav.
The mounting mechanism is impressive and sturdy. It’s weatherproof and you can use the display with gloves on which is a primary problem with using a smartphone because the are large. You can save your favorite destination on your device but for complicated ones, you will have to pair it with your phone.
Interestingly when your phone switches off, VIO will help en-route to your destination. Isn’t it great?
Five hour battery life which could have been better. In order to use it you will always have to pair your phone with the device.
It comes in a different colors to match with your scooter color. Device is worth £149.99 and you can click on link to order one: TomTom VIO