Darker. Bolder. Indian Chief Dark Horse
In mid-February, the Indian Chief Dark Horse was introduced in Chicago in conjunction with the Progressive® International Motorcycle Show (IMS). Despite freezing temperatures, a ride-in was held involving several local riders and several Indian Motorcycle employees riding the new blacked-out cruiser, which attracted large crowds when displayed at the Chicago IMS.
In March, Indian Motorcycle had a tremendous presence at Daytona Bike Week, where the brand provided a new record number of Indian Motorcycle Demo Rides, hosted an Indian Motorcycle Riders’ Group Bike Week Party, and celebrated the first Bike Week with the new Indian Motorcycle Daytona Beach dealership open on Beach Street. The demo rides featured the complete lineup, including the recently introduced Indian Chief Dark Horse.
It maintains legendary Indian Chief styling, while taking an unpolished and raw upproach to its finish with blacked-out styling. The Dark Horse’s distincive Thunder Stroke 111 V-Twin with dry weight of 751 lbs / 785 lbs 341 kg / 357 kg and displacemeent 111 cu in / 1811 cc, announcing your presence come with territory. Where your territory lies, is up to you. All you have to do is go after it.
Handlebars: A pair of 16″ Black Ape HAnger Handlebars elevate the raw custom style of Indian Dark Horse.
Exhaust: Black exhaust shields & Black stage 1 slip-on exhaust.
Air Cleaner: Thunder stroke high flow air cleaner, Black.
Information Source: http://www.indianmotorcycle.com/
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