Mahendra Singh Dhoni made his ODI debut in December 2004. The attacking right-handed middle-order batsman from Ranchi soon captivated the cricket world with his unconventional game and went on to become one of the most successful captains of the Indian cricket team. He has proved that that no matter what difficulties and obstacles you face in life, you can always lead your life to its purpose.
This article on Captain Cool Mahendra Singh Dhoni is about his serious love for speed and bikes. Most of us know about his sportsmanship and dedication but not many know about his intense romance with these machines. We tried to dig down to his younger days and find out how a small town boy made it to the top spot in Indian cricket and fulfilled his dreams.
Dhoni was born in Ranchi. Being a small town boy Mahi has grown up with a heap of dreams and aspirations.
He had a tremendous zeal for sports. Not many knew about his passion of bikes hidden desire to own super bikes. During his early days as a cricketer, Mahi faced a lot of struggle. His bikes were very much a part of his struggle. The movie “MS DHONI-The Untold Story” has glimpses of his life during his junior cricket days.
Like every young boy he had dreams to own fast and expensive bikes. Dhoni who rose from a rather modest background through sheer determination, hard work and talent to sit at the top of a $31 million empire. He became the most successful captain in Indian Cricket history. A successful career meant Mahi could buy any bike that he had ever wished for. Currently Dhoni owns around 22-23 bikes, though these are not confirmed numbers. The most prized possession is the Confederate X132 Hellcat. The costed Dhoni a whopping 60 lakhs but as Wiseman have always said “Passion Knows No Bounds”. Latest in the tally is the mean machine Kawasaki Ninja H2.
Dhoni might have come a long way, but he is a grounded person and has never forgotten his roots. No matter how many or which bike he has the 1st bike will always remain special. Rajdoot was Dhoni’s first ever bike which he got for Rs 4,500, which can still be seen at his house. His never ending love for this machine is an inspiration for many.
Motorcycle Diaries salutes his passion for bikes. We hope Mahi adds many more bikes to his tally. Let’s raise a toast to the biker , the fighter, the champion inside him and respect his immense love for motorcycles and cricket.